Thursday, January 26, 2006


I'm going to take a hiatus from talking about U2, Bono, and all of that to talk about a former blogging subject of mine- Global Warming. I've been against that whole concept for a long time. There is nothing scientific that can prove that this is an absolute certainty, to do so would be to try to prove macro-evolution (otherwise known as Evolution), to do so one would have to remove him/herself from the world and observe it for an extremely long period of time. Again, not a ton of scientific evidence there. It takes just as much faith to believe that Evolution is true, Global Warming is true, as it does to believe in Yahweh (and that Yahweh is 3 persons, yet 1 substance). In effect then, the Global Warming fanatics are nothing but cultists trying to gain a captive audience to their ambitions of...non-Global Warming... Same can be said with Evolutionists.
I just finished reading a speak given by Michael Crichton about complexity. He has a lot of really good points concerning complex systems and that too many people are thinking on a linear scale. Also take a look at the talk on burning raw materials, that was very interesting. I'm no chemist, but in light of the structures of raw materials, the burning of gas isn't all that bad. But further than that, as governments like ours are beginning to realize, hydrogen powered systems (and even nuclear ones...I'm a fan of building more nuclear reactors) are much better for the environment, but also it gets us off dependence on foreign countries that thrive on our necessity for their raw materials. Just think, if we weren't dependant on the Middle East for their oil, 1- we wouldn't need to be there to help create/maintain peace, 2- it would mean that we could "deal with them" in any fashion, since they have nothing else to offer us or the world economy. (Well, in any significant value...I'm thinking purely economically here, people are definately good for an economy, but products-wise, there isn't much that they have that we need or cannot grow on our own.)
Here's the link to this speech given by Crichton. It's a good read, long, but gives a better understanding to complex systems...and barely scratches the surface on how complex our Earth- from the core to the magnetosphere- is.

Ed. Note- I'm not against protecting the environment. But I think saving human life is more from AIDS, starvation, the modern holocost (abortion), and so on.
(I think that the second most complex system is a woman. I'm not woman-bashing here, just a mere observation from a male perspective. Most guys would agree with me on that as well.)


Blogger josh said...

I agree, women are complex.

January 31, 2006 9:49 AM


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